A lecture/demonstration on approaches and techniques applied to performance on standard orchestral small percussion instruments: cymbals triangle tambourine wood block tam tam/gong Included in the presentation are taped examples from the standard symphonic repertoire with simultaneous live performance. Time: 90 minutes Requirements: audio-cassette tape recorder (+ amp & speakers), 3 gooseneck cymbal stands), 6 music… Read more »
Performing Live with Midi (a lecture/demonstration)
A lecture/demonstration aimed at musicians who are already performing on acoustic instruments and who want to have a closer look at the possibilities for musical expression offered by the MIDI revolution. Topics may include: COMPUTER INSTRUMENT ENVIRONMENTS – Personal Computers, Dedicated Components, What Electronic MIDI Instruments Can Do, Limitations of Electronic MIDI Instruments HELPFUL CONCEPTS… Read more »
Introduction to the Business of Music
An interactive discussion on various aspects of the music business of interest to those who want to pursue careers in music. Topics may include: advocacy for music – developing communication skills artist/management contracts auditions for symphony orchestras career planning copyrights ensembles – forming and operating them membership in unions music publishing and contracts
Ewazen week begins in Dallas!

NEXUS begins the week of rehearsals and concerts of the new Eric Ewazen concerto in Dallas at Southern Methodist University in Dallas, Texas. On Sunday night, November 2nd, things got under way with a wonderful meal hosted by Meadows Wind Ensemble conductor Jack Delaney. Here are some of us returning from that wonderful dinner!

NEXUS is on their way to the Percussive Arts Society International Convention this week in Austin, Texas. It’s an exciting time! NEXUS will be performing the world premiere of “The Eternal Dance of Life” by acclaimed composer Eric Ewazen. The new piece was written specifically for NEXUS with wind ensemble. For the premiere, the Meadows… Read more »
Welcome to the NEXUS site!
Welcome to the NEXUS site and my blog. All five Nexonians were in Toronto this week preparing the new piece by Eric Ewazen to be premiered in Dallas and Austin next week at PASIC. The 4-movement work is scored for five percussionists and wind ensemble. The final version of the solo parts arrived only a… Read more »
Skype to the Rescue

Welcome to the new NEXUS website! It’s a total revamp with information and resources for presenters, students, fans and fellow artists, and blogs for each of us so we can keep you up to the minute with NEXUS news, answer queries and provide you with some interesting peeks behind-the-scenes. Coming soon will be a new… Read more »
Hello everyone and welcome to my blog on the new Nexus website.
2009-10 Events
Sept. 2009 through June 2010 – Bill is an Associate Professor of Percussion at the Eastman School of Music, along with Professor Michael Burritt and Charles Ross, the Principal Timpanist of the Rochester Philharmonic Orchestra. October 29, 2009 – Bill will present a one-hour “Creative Music Making” workshop for the percussion studio class at the… Read more »
Hello World!
Hi, this is Garry and welcome to my blog. I’d be happy to communicate to you about any of the Nexus activities. In our workshops I offer a session dedicated to the acoustics of percussion I call Sound Advice. I am interested in instrument building and tuning. In fact, you might want to check out… Read more »
Workshop Offerings
WORKSHOPS presented by Bill Cahn CREATIVE MUSIC-MAKING (Four Simple Steps to Cultivating the Inner Musician) For a more detailed description, click here What is Creative Music Making? Creative Music Making is an interactive workshop in which musicians and music teachers of any age, student or professional, performing on any instrument will have the opportunity to… Read more »
Can symphonic music become popular music?
an essay by Bill Cahn. This is a downloadable PDF document. Please ensure you have the latest version of Adobe Acrobat.
Green’s Gravestone

For those of you who are fans of George Hamilton Green’s music, here’s a picture of his (and his wife’s) gravestone in the Artist’s Cemetery in Woodstock, New York.
Creative Music Making at Eastman – July 14 to 18, 2008
As one of the Eastman School of Music’s World Music Institutes in July 2008, Bill Cahn presented a week-long workshop on “Creative Music Making” for participants from Canada and the U.S. The daily 3-hour sessions, based on Bill’s book (“Creative Music Making” – Routledge, 2005) gave participants – many of whom had never improvised on… Read more »
Bill in Japan – VIDEO

Here is a video of Bill in Japan performing with Mika Yoshida. You can read more about Bill on his personal page.