I’ve just been reading the Orchestras Canada weekly newsletter. It’s called Soundbytes, and it comes into my email box every Friday. This week they announced our new website, but that was just one of several “newsbytes” from across the country. “Soundbytes” is a great resource. As well as the latest news, it provides useable and very current information on arts advocacy in Canada, who’s who in the Canadian orchestral world, what they are doing and where they are moving. It has a great section called “What Are You Reading?” that shares good arts’n’culture reads (both hardcopy and online), posts job openings, both performing and administrative, and reports on awards, tours, programmes, and new blogs. Orchestras Canada and Soundbytes also act as a clearing house for shared resources from other orchestras and ensembles. Now that it has come time to start “blogging” here on the NEXUS website, I have to cite Soundbytes as an inspiration. I hope I can bring you similar kinds of information and resources regarding NEXUS and their world of percussion. Check out the Orchestras Canada website, and consider becoming a member. They count a good number of presenters amongst their membership. NEXUS is an “ensemble” member of Orchestras Canada, and we’re glad we joined up!
Orchestras Canada