Pauline Oliveros

John Cage
I’ve known from a young age that good sounds are healing, and I’ve made the study of music and sounds my life’s work. I have had a few “sound” mentors who have helped open my ears. Among them were Pauline Oliveros, John Cage, Harry Partch and Lou Harrison. Pauline taught us “Deep Listening,” whereby you meditate intensely on the sounds around you. John taught us that all sounds are equal, omnipresent, and there is no such thing as silence. Harry taught us that there is a world of sounds much larger than we know in the Western world. And Lou taught us that we need to experience solitude before we can hear the subtleties of the sound spectrum.

Harry Partch

Lou Harrison
I had the honor of meeting all these amazing people and was privileged to perform with Pauline and John. Harry’s writings inspired me to make windchimes so that I could experience the sounds of the music of ancient civilizations.
So, the takeback for me is to be aware of your sonic environment as much as possible, consider all sounds as healing, listen three-dimensionally and receive music of other cultures with unbiased acceptance. This philosophy has helped me grow through sound exploration.
Stay safe and sound,