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Unpopular Music – Reflections on an Improbable Life by William L. Cahn (259 pages)
– a compilation of essays on music and musicians written during the author’s performing career with the NEXUS Percussion Group, The Rochester Philharmonic Orchestra, the Paul Winter Consort, and more. The book presents a general overview of contemporary aesthetics and the current cultural status of music, especially relating to orchestral and contemporary music for percussion worldwide, including personal experiences with major composers and conductors – John Cage, Aaron Copland, Seiji Ozawa, Igor Stravinsky, Edgard Varèse, and more. DIGITAL DOWNLOAD PRICE* . . . . $25.00

260 Cartoons of George Hamilton Green, complied by William L. Cahn (99 pages)
– a collection of cartoons created for Collier’s magazine and The Saturday Evening Post between 1937 and 1956 by the master xylophonist, composer and early recording artist. DIGITAL DOWNLOAD PRICE* . . . . $20.00

Hands-On Drumming by William L. Cahn (65 pages) – targeted at grade school music programs, though its also applicable to novice adult programs. The book’s text, photos, exercises, compositions and games are designed to be easily accessible to novice players, while also providing teachers and facilitators, whether music specialists or otherwise, with basic information necessary to direct a hand drumming program. DIGITAL DOWNLOAD PRICE* . . . . $20.00