“Another great offering by NEXUS”: Review of our new album HOME

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The current (May 2018) issue of PERCUSSIVE NOTES offers a review of our newly released album entitled HOME. Josh Armstrong says, “although all the tracks are great, my favorite is the first track, on which [Michael] Burritt’s marimba playing along with NEXUS is so balanced and beautiful. NEXUS has shown us once again what great music sounds like!”

The review mentions Burritt’s 3-movement piece HOME, (that “captures the feel of Burritt’s home of Rochester”), renowned composer Libby Larson’s “DDT”,  written for NEXUS and based on “Silent Spring” by Rachel Carson, (“the rhythmic intricacies make for an interesting soundscape…-including a power drill”), Bill Cahn’s CRYSTAL CABINET based on a poem by William Blake (“a thoughtful work, forcing the listener to think of what the cabinet in the poem might represent”), and Bill Cahn’s THIS WORLD featuring vocalist Katherine Ciesinski (“great punctuations…add to the effect of the text).

Thank you for these wonderful words!  This album is available only on CDbaby. You can listen to samples and purchase the CD by clicking here:


To browse through other titles in the NEXUS catalog on CDbaby, click here:


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