NEXUS leaves for Japan this weekend, where they will be performing their signature work by Toru Takemitsu, From me flows what you call Time, which features an array of instruments including out-sized wind chimes created by Garry Kvistad. The wind chimes are hung in the performance hall above the audience (see photo at bottom, below) and are played by NEXUS using long colourful banners or ribbons. Garry has also created new “log drums” for the concerto, which will also be performed later this season with the Syracuse, NY symphony orchestra and the Austin TX symphony. Garry has dubbed these new instruments “Tongue Resonator Drums” and you can see a photo of them above left. Below is a shot of Garry’s complete setup, everything of which is suspended from a stand on wheels. The Tongue Resonator Drums are tuned to the exact pitches that Toru indicated in the score, and the inside air columns are tuned to couple with the tongues.

I’ve always enjoyed the Nexus Ensemble through Records and CD’s but never had a chance to see the ensemble live! Kudos to Nexus!
Thanks Gabriel! Where are you located?